Yesterday was INSANE....Boys Like Girls...Cobra Starship...The Maine...Rocket To The Moon and VersaEmerge were all AMAZING. I know that on behalf of DontGetEmo concerts I would like to thank EVERYONE for coming out and showing all these bands what South Texas is all about!
PICTURES ARE COMING SOON! if you click on it, it gets bigger!
Last weekend I was lucky enough to go out and shoot for my friends at Ready Set Rave, these guys and girls put so much work into throwing the largest events for the kids in the Rio Grande Valley. Its always nice to go out to them and see 1500+ kids jumping around and living life. I hope to make it out to a few more before I make my move.... click the picture to view the gallery, (this is safe for work)
Yeah its been awhile since I did an update, mostly because I have been swamped with getting things together for my move to Los Angeles. I did however get to go to two shows this week and shoot for Don't Get Emo Concerts. I was going to post the pictures on the blog but then I realize that they are just not big enough so I made a gallery...
There are a lot of changes that will be happening soon. One of them will be the change of Aberazzi back to Abe Robledo Photography. It has been a hard decision but it is something for the better in the new market that I will be working in. My trip to LA was a great one and I got to meet a ton of people that are all willing to help me become a super star photographer. I just have to get down and serious and start really working hard at those dreams I have always had.
I didn't take very many pictures while out there. I was too busy with meetings and just having a great time with friends. Here are a few shots and a video from the weekend....