Wow, I can not believe that it has been 7 years already. It really is something how time just seems to go by. I still remember September 11th, 2001 as if it was just last year. I remember I woke up early that day and was driving to McDonald's next to my high school. I would rarely listen to the radio station but that day I had forgot to take any CDs, so as I was listening to the radio I randomly hear a caller yelling about how the World Trade building had just been hit by a plane. The radio D.J.'s were kind of in shock and did not want to believe her and then I think they got word it was true. So then they started talking about it but I kept thinking it was some weird joke. I got to my 1st period class and only a handful of people knew anything of it. Then one of the classmates came in late and was like guys you have to get the T.V. on, both the Trade Towers have been hit by planes! For the rest of that day we sat in our classrooms watching T.V. and just seeing what was going on. I remember our school even had a memorial for it and one of my friends made an awesome video montage and another friend of mine played an awesome Jimi Hendrix version of The Star Spangled Banner.
It wasn't in till around 2005 that I saw "Loose Change" and everything started to make a little more sense as to what really took place that day. I could not stop researching more and more information on the events that took place. In no way am I saying that our Government was responsible for the events of September 11th, but there is a part of me that really wishes I could just really know the full facts and truth. I know there is more to it than what they are letting you know.
BUT regardless, we have to fight for our freedoms as American's, and the best way to fight is with your mind and knowledge. I hope everyone that has not seen "Loose Change" will Google that and take a look, its long but worth the watch.
Think about it. Tell my your thoughts.

FYI these are not real guns, just airsoft!
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