Well everyone kept asking me how my Christmas was and I keep saying, "it was really good." Then the next question that usually comes is, "oh really, what did you get". My answer for that is a little hard, I think the older you get, the more you appreciate just getting the time to spend with your family and giving gifts becomes as much fun as getting them. I was so stressed this year with trying to find those right gifts for my specials friends and family. I think I did a decent job at it, and in return I received some pretty amazing gifts from my friends and family. I really did not care what I got though, spending Christmas Eve with my extended family was really nice, spending Christmas morning with my parents, sister, brother-in-law and nieces and nephew and having a super deluxe breakfast was dope. Then there is always the good times spent at Monica's parents house on Christmas day, which I've kind of become really lucky to get to go to, considering that its really only her family that goes over.
here are some photos from the time spent with my mom's family.
that's my mom making a plate....
Santa and my Grandma
Santa decided to play some tunes
My niece Carmela...
My niece Clarissa...
I kind of loved this picture....curious george.
My nephew Jason...
My cousin's kid having a blast...
and I kind of liked this picture a lot too...
my Tia Liz with her gift...
This is what Christmas is about, laughs.
trying to get all the gifts....
My sister doing a little reading on her charms...
My cousin Brian...
Thanks for posting such great pictures of your family!! <3 ya!!
Thanks Uncle Ham!!! I love my picture!!
Love you,
Thanks Abe, the pictures are great.
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