Saturday, July 25, 2009

My first Photo Flight

I've always heard of photographers going up on a small Cessna and taking pictures high in the sky. I had never really done anything like that, except for the occasional snap shot from a window seat on a commercial airline. So when my friend Nathan invited me to go up and do some aerial photography I was not going to pass on that.

I went up on this Cessna RGII and literally stuck my head out of the window to the pictures, and when you're 1,000+ ft up in the air and at 100knots its kind of intense! My friend was nice enough to let me take the controls for awhile on the way back, so now I've not only done aerial photography but have flown a plane too!

here are a few shots I got from my first ride.
a view from my seat.

I believe that's one of the high schools in Edinburg

dried up water ways.

salt mining pools

That's "La Sal Vieja" they used it for salt mining

I thought this land looked cool.

another view of "La Sal Vieja"

canals and the edge of the lake.

landing on lucky 13

The plane, Cessna Cutlass RG II

We parked next to the Air Force

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