Yeah its been awhile since I did an update, mostly because I have been swamped with getting things together for my move to Los Angeles. I did however get to go to two shows this week and shoot for Don't Get Emo Concerts. I was going to post the pictures on the blog but then I realize that they are just not big enough so I made a gallery...
Help please, I Might be shooting a show on friday ( Boys like girls). And I want to know what would be some good settings to use because my camera is not the best in low light ''nikon d3000'' so I would want to know what shutter speed to use, ISO , Flash or no flash, Etc stuff like that, Thank you.
A Nikon D3000 is just as capable of shooting in low light as my Nikon D200. If you're taking pictures from the crowd, which I am sure will be the case, I would suggest just putting the camera on like 1000 ISO and having it on Aperature Priority with it set at like F4 and hope you get some good shots. Also you might want to have your camera set to shoot like a stop down.
Cant bring my dslr anymore. They said only point and shoots....
that's what I thought but I didn't want to assume....this is a very big show and usually they don't allow "professional cameras" or video cameras. Sorry man...
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