Well the trip to Dallas and Tyler has been eventful so far. I had a nice relaxing flight high above the clouds on my way to Dallas. I surprised that I had no problems at the airport with security or with my luggage. I arrived in Dallas and my friends Sam and Jenny picked me up at the airport, which is hilarious because they both get lost in Dallas...but we had a great time and had some amazing food at Cafe Brazil. Then of course did a little shopping, sadly I didn't really see anything I wanted. The night was spent in Tyler, and I think in less than an hour I saw around 10 people I knew either at Starbucks or Buffalo Wild Wings. Then we did a little trip down to Sports Zone to see Katie and Will. All in all my first day of the trip was pretty nice....today should be interesting too, I was suppose to have a shoot in the after noon but it got canceled due to some weather and scheduling problems, but I still have my shoot tomorrow, and Thursday.
I adore you have fun...
dont just take pictures
make a few good memories
enjoy your friends the food and the beer...
xo-come home SAFE
looks like a hell of alot of fun. :)
i love that girls outfit,
the one thats driving in one picture.
Glad you got there safe abie!
Hope your equipment is safe too!
That plane picture is freaken awesome!
my arm look so fat while i'm driving. haha. cant wait for tonight!
BETH: the memories are remembered with the pictures...and I'm not taking nearly as many as I want. BUT I did put your advice to good use.
Jessica: Which Jessica is this?!?! I have like 3 that come and leave comments grr...
THANK YOU MONIKA, I was so worried about my equipment...it got pretty banged up.
Thank you Anonymous...I kept looking out the window and was like I want to take a picture but I was afraid to get up and take my big camera out.
Jenny: Your arm doesn't look fat!
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