Well its not officially started yet, but in a way it has. I will be flying out to Dallas Sunday morning at 8am and will then be driving down to Tyler to see some old friends and do some work. I have three shoots booked for sure, and another that is still pending. I spent the whole day, running around and getting all my things together so that I could come to Harlingen and visit my parents since I won't be around for Thanksgiving. It just so happens that when I come to Harlingen, I can't go without seeing a friend or two though. So I met up with my a good friend of mine Beth and her friend Amanda to talk and have some Starbucks. Its funny because I really find it hard to not take a picture or two when I am sitting around with friends. I know that seems odd to some, but its just part of my nature these days to take pictures. I usually always have my old little point and shoot Canon with me for these occasions, the picture quality is kind of crap, but that's probably because the camera is like 3 yrs old.
Well I leave you with these...

and be sure to check the blog every day this coming week, I am going to be updating every day from my trip...probably starting on Monday though...I'm not really going to be doing anything Saturday, other than spending time with my family and washing clothes.
where the hek is that f'd up video
I love you abe
and I am glad I got to see you
and you make a butt load of money...dont do ANY FAVORS
unless...well you get what we talked about
YOUR great!!!
Yeah I agree! No favors unless your getting ....!
Be safe, come back std free :D
have fun and do great work but it is best if you do these jobs for MONEY.. and not other kind of favors. That doesn't pay the bills.
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