Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, I'd be the first to admit that I don't really know much about HDR and how to create one of those amazing images that you see on FlickR. I was out in Harlingen visiting my parents and thought with the free time I had that I should try to teach myself how to create an HDR image.

For those of you that don't know what HDR is, it stands for High Dynamic Range, which usually takes 3 or more pictures of the same thing at different exposures. Then you use a software in either photoshop or 3rd party to merge them and get the best tone and exposure for shadows and highlights.

here is my try at this....my parents house.


Monikapolitan said...

Thats a super cute house! And the clouds look amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the picture. I have pulled it up quite a few times showing it to my fiends.